Sep 10, 2020 | All, Redundancy
Does my employee have the right to a redundancy appeal? In our June Advice on redundancies view here, we highlighted the need to follow a fair consultation process with your affected employee(s) and included the ACAS recommendation to offer the right of appeal against...
Jun 19, 2020 | All, Employee Pay & Holidays
The flexible furlough scheme As an employer, may I put an employee on “flexible furlough” through the Government’s updated scheme and how does this work? The first thing to know is that it’s now too late to put somebody on furlough for the first time. The closing...
Jun 19, 2020 | All, Redundancy
Redundancy: Using an interview process for selection As an employer, may you reasonably use a competitive interview process when considering potentially redundant employees for alternative employment? In the case of Gwynedd Council v Barrett, the Employment Appeal...